Welcome to your one-stop shop for all things My RemServ. Whether you're looking to navigate the My RemServ apps, manage your benefits, or troubleshoot an issue, our Support Hub is here to empower you with the tools and information you need. Explore our video guides, comprehensive resources, and detailed FAQs to make the most out of your My RemServ experience.
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Dashboard & Wallet
1. Getting Started

Learn how to download the My RemServ app and complete your registration effortlessly.

Step-by-step instructions to set up your profile and personalize your settings.
2. Account Management

Updating your contact details ensures that we have the most current information to reach you regarding your salary packaging account.

Updating your nominated bank account changes where reimbursements, claims, and all other salary packaging funds are sent.

Updating your account and login details helps maintain the security of your account and can make accessing the app more convenient.

Updating your communication preferences allows you to control how and when you receive information from us about your salary packaging or novated leasing account.
3. Claiming Benefits

Stay informed about your benefit limits and manage your benefits effectively.

4. My RemServ Wallet Card

Get your My RemServ Wallet Card ready for use in just a few simple steps.

Report your Wallet card as lost or stolen to protect your account and initiates the process of getting a replacement card.

Viewing your Wallet transactions allows you to keep track of all the transactions made using your Wallet card.

The RemServ Wallet card designed to simplify your salary packaging experience, allowing you to tap into your pre-tax dollars for everyday expenses.

Report Wallet card fraud to help protect your account from unauthorised transactions and initiate the process of investigating and potentially refunding fraudulent charges.

Estimating your tax savings helps you understand the potential financial benefits of your current salary packaging arrangements.

Discover where and how you can use your Wallet Card for maximum benefits.
5. Salary packaging

Salary packaging, also known as salary sacrificing, is a smart way to structure your income that could help you pay less tax and take home more of your pay. It's an arrangement between you, your employer, and RemServ that allows you to use some of your pre-tax salary to pay for a variety of benefits.

Tracking your salary packaging benefits allows you to monitor your current benefit allocations, usage, and remaining balances throughout the FBT year.

Stopping salary packaging will end all current packaging arrangements and deductions from your salary.

The Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) exemption cap is a limit set by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on the amount of benefits you can salary package each FBT year (April 1 to March 31) without incurring additional tax.

The Meal Entertainment cap is an additional salary packaging benefit available to eligible employees, primarily in the health and charity sectors. It allows you to package up to $2,650 per Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) year for meal entertainment expenses, separate from the main FBT exemption cap.

Exempt benefits are a category of salary packaging benefits that are not subject to Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). This means they can be packaged without impacting your FBT exemption cap.

Adding a RemServ Wallet to your living expenses or meal entertainment benefits allows you to access your salary packaged funds for everyday expenses using RemServ Wallet.
6. Novated Lease

A novated lease is an agreement between you, your employer, and a finance company that allows you to pay for a car and its running costs from your pre-tax and post-tax salary. It's an ATO-approved way to potentially reduce your taxable income while enjoying the benefits of a new, used, or even your existing car.

Tracking your novated lease running costs helps you monitor expenses related to your leased vehicle and ensure you're staying within your budgeted amounts.

Viewing your novated lease overview provides you with comprehensive information about your leased vehicle, contract terms, and associated running costs.

Viewing your cap utilisation and benefit allocations allows you to see how your salary packaging benefits are distributed within your cap amount - as well as how much of the cap limit you are utilising.

Viewing your transactions allows you to track all financial activities related to your account including benefit changes, claims (active and finalised), Wallet transactions, changes you’ve made to your benefits.

Viewing your claims status and history allows you to track the progress of submitted claims and review past claim activities.

Making a benefit change allows you to add a new benefit or adjust your current salary packaging benefits, either by changing the allocated amount or removing the benefit altogether.

Adjusting your cap allows you to modify your chosen cap amount and cap utilisation against the corresponding cap limit.

Making a running cost change allows you to add a new running cost or adjust your current running costs, either by changing the allocated amount or removing the running cost altogether.

Adjusting your deductions allows you to modify the amount being deducted from your salary for your packaged benefits. This ensures your salary packaging arrangement remains aligned with your financial needs in the event that you’re taking leave without pay, maternity leave, etc.

Viewing your benefit change history allows you to track benefit changes you’ve made related to your account.
Why is RemServ changing your digital experience?
We’re revolutionising salary packaging and novated leases by giving our customers unprecedented control with an accessible, user-friendly digital experience that offers real-time tracking, the ability to make adjustments directly , and lightning-fast claims - all with verifiable results and complete visibility. This isn't an upgrade - it's a transformation from uncertainty to clarity. My RemServ delivers the control, transparency, and efficiency that salary packaging customers have been desperately seeking.
What does the new digital experience deliver?
It’s designed to put you in control, so you can do more with your money, with confidence. We’re aiming to improve visibility of the information you need to proactively manage your account quicker and easier – so you can get on with more important things.
Do I have to use the app, or website, or both? Will they have the same functionality?
Yes, you can use your account on either the app or website, or both. They are designed to deliver a consistent experience. The app just includes additional wallet features, like digital card actions which aren’t relevant on a desktop.
Remuneration Services (Qld) Pty Ltd | ABN 46 093 173 089 (RemServ)
Remuneration Services (QLD) Pty Ltd (ABN 46 093 173 089) (RemServ) act as an authorised representative on behalf of a number of Australian financial services licensees. The capacity in which we act and the financial services we are authorised to provide are set out in our Financial Services Guides. We act as an agent for those licensees and not for you.Regulated leasing and related services are provided by Onboard Finance Pty Ltd ABN 18 645 542 776, Australian Credit Licence no. 532668. Onboard Finance authorises Remuneration Services (QLD) Pty Ltd ABN 46 093 173 089 (Credit Representative no. 540077) to provide credit assistance to you. Credit guide for Remuneration Services (QLD) Pty Ltd (as credit representative of Onboard) available here.
The implications of salary packaging a motor vehicle through a novated leasing arrangement, including tax savings will depend on your individual circumstances. The information in this publication has been prepared by RemServ for general information purposes only, without taking into consideration any individual circumstances. RemServ and the Queensland Government recommend that before acting on any information or entering into a novated leasing arrangement, you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs, and, take the appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon your own particular circumstances. You should also read the Standard Novation Agreement, Salary Packaging Participation Agreement and the relevant Queensland Government Salary Packaging and Novated Leasing Information Booklets and Fact Forms available via the Queensland Government Arrangements Directory. The Queensland Government strongly recommends that you obtain independent financial advice prior to entering into, or changing the terms of, a salary packaging arrangement.
*RemServ’s procurement and trade-in services are optional. You may choose to use our services or those of another provider.
RemServ collects your personal information from you when you apply for a product and request any information from us, and we may use this information to contact you about our products, services and offerings. To read more about how we handle your personal information, please read our Privacy Statement.
The availability of benefits is subject to your employer's approval. RemServ may receive commissions in connection with its services.