View your novated lease overview
Viewing your novated lease overview provides you with comprehensive information about your leased vehicle, contract terms, and associated running costs.
Accessing lease overview
From the main dashboard, locate the novated lease tile underneath the “My lease” heading. It will have an icon of a car within the tile, as well as the license plate of the registered vehicle.
You should see key information about your lease, including:
To access details for a particular running cost, select the running cost tile.
By selecting the tile with vehicle details you want to see the lease for, you will access more detailed information. Here, you’ll be able to see:
To see your current running cost allocations, select “Manage”. You will be able to adjust running cost amounts, view your budget, and calculate deductions from here.
Regularly reviewing your lease details can help you stay informed about your spending against budget and ensure you're making the most of your novated lease arrangement.
Remuneration Services (Qld) Pty Ltd | ABN 46 093 173 089 (RemServ)
Remuneration Services (QLD) Pty Ltd (ABN 46 093 173 089) (RemServ) act as an authorised representative on behalf of a number of Australian financial services licensees. The capacity in which we act and the financial services we are authorised to provide are set out in our Financial Services Guides. We act as an agent for those licensees and not for you.Regulated leasing and related services are provided by Onboard Finance Pty Ltd ABN 18 645 542 776, Australian Credit Licence no. 532668. Onboard Finance authorises Remuneration Services (QLD) Pty Ltd ABN 46 093 173 089 (Credit Representative no. 540077) to provide credit assistance to you. Credit guide for Remuneration Services (QLD) Pty Ltd (as credit representative of Onboard) available here.
The implications of salary packaging a motor vehicle through a novated leasing arrangement, including tax savings will depend on your individual circumstances. The information in this publication has been prepared by RemServ for general information purposes only, without taking into consideration any individual circumstances. RemServ and the Queensland Government recommend that before acting on any information or entering into a novated leasing arrangement, you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs, and, take the appropriate legal, financial or other professional advice based upon your own particular circumstances. You should also read the Standard Novation Agreement, Salary Packaging Participation Agreement and the relevant Queensland Government Salary Packaging and Novated Leasing Information Booklets and Fact Forms available via the Queensland Government Arrangements Directory. The Queensland Government strongly recommends that you obtain independent financial advice prior to entering into, or changing the terms of, a salary packaging arrangement.
*RemServ’s procurement and trade-in services are optional. You may choose to use our services or those of another provider.
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